Water 4.0, IWA YWP 2019 and the INTEGROIL Project

On November 14th 2019, Nil Llopart, Desalination and New Technologies Researcher of the ACCIONA Water Business, presented the main features of the H2020 INTEGROIL [...]

The INTEGROIL project, present at IDA World Congress 2019

On October 22nd 2019, Jorge J. Malfeito, the R&D Director of the ACCIONA Water Business, presented the H2020 INTEGROIL project at the IDA World [...]

The INTEGROIL consortium presents the final results of the project

ACCIONA Headquartes in Alcobendas (Madrid, Spain) hosted last May 21st the final event of the INTEGROIL project, where the advances and technological achievements of [...]


1 pilot plant, 2 demonstration scenarios with real conditions, 3 year duration, 5 industrial sectors, 7 countries involved, 10 partners, 8,640 demonstration hours, 12,960 [...]

Entering the final stage of the INTEGROIL project

On March, 13th, 2019, the last technical consortium meeting of the Integroil project was held at the facilities of ACCIONA Agua in El Prat [...]

Fourth Technical Meeting of the INTEGROIL Project in Germany

On December 11th, 2018, the 4th technical meeting of the European project INTEGROIL took place in Dresde (Germany), and representatives of all project partners [...]

The INTEGROIL pilot plant has started its operation in the downstream scenario

Once finalized the demonstration period in the upstream scenario and having demonstrated the feasibility of INTEGROIL solution in terms of process operation, the INTEGROIL [...]

New Intregroil Video

The fourth INTEGROIL Consortium meeting in Tarragona

The fourth technical meeting of the European project INTEGROIL took place in Tarragona (Spain) successfully. Representatives from all partners involved in the project attended [...]

EDS hosted the third meeting of the European project INTEGROIL

The third technical meeting of the European H2020-project INTEGROIL took place in Rome successfully. Representatives from all partners involved in the project attended the [...]

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